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Vahid Sorkh Gol, a pro-monarchy political prisoner at Evin Prison, continues to endure harsh physical conditions without access to medical attention or specialized medications.

Vahid Sorkh Gol, a pro-monarchy political prisoner at Evin Prison, continues to endure harsh physical conditions without access to medical attention or specialized medications.

Despite suffering from severe headaches and nausea, Vahid is still being denied proper medical care.

As reported by a source close to his family. He was arrested on October 10th, 2023 after a court appearance in Kermanshah province and later transferred to Dezful abad Prison. On August 16th of the same year, he was moved to Evin Prison.

This pro-monarchy activist received a sixteen-year sentence from Tehran Revolutionary Court Branch Twenty-Six on charges including 'insulting sacred values,' 'conspiracy against national security,' 'anti-regime propaganda,' and 'incitement to conflict and bloodshed.


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